Business Innovator, Josh Short of The Wilbury —  How to Compete During 2nd Wave

Thursday, November 19, 2020


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Josh Short, The Wilbury Group

Josh Short is the Founder and Artistic Director of Providence's award-winning Wilbury Theatre Group and he shares his thoughts about his theatre's strategy to continue to operate and innovate during the pandemic. Here are how he thinks about navigating the second wave. 

Here are Short's thoughts:

Collaboration is going to continue to be key as we work through this next phase. None of us are capable of making it through this thing alone, and as another shutdown looms we should be making the effort to reach out to each other. 


Check in with your friends, send a note to someone you admire, be open to new ideas and opportunities. 

It doesn’t matter who you are, what your business is, or what you do, you have something to contribute.

I think it’s true for businesses, and I think it’s true for a lot of people on a personal level too. The loneliness in this country is overwhelming, and it’s because we are all so prone to putting ourselves into one silo after another. We put our heads down and work work work. We react, constantly answering emails, running from one Zoom meeting to the next and feeling like if we aren’t doing something then we aren’t doing anything.

But we can stop. And we can breathe.  And we can check in with each other. And we can work together.

The pandemic has been incredibly hard for those of us in the performing arts industry, but I consider the Wilbury Group fortunate that we’ve had this opportunity to focus on our collaborative partnerships. Whether that meant establishing our streaming programming with GoLocalProv at the start of the shutdown, resuming live performances outdoors with WaterFire, taking the shows to people’s front yards with Troop, or countless other collaborative experiences we’ve been able to foster over the last few months, every one of them has helped us grow our reach and get a little bit closer to the other side of the shutdown. 

So it’s my hope that business leaders, nonprofit leaders, artists, teachers, and all those who find themselves in a position of leadership will take the time the time to pause from their daily grind, lift their heads, and look outside themselves for an opportunity to contribute.


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