GAME ON: The Player – Joseph Keil

Friday, February 04, 2011


Q & A with Joseph Keil, Cumberland High School Track & Field

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What has been the biggest challenge being a high school athlete?

Balancing school, work, play, sports, and other activities. I'm involved in a lot of things and sometimes it's difficult to perform my best at each of them.


Who is your biggest motivator?

My coach and my teammates. I never want to let them down, and they're always the ones pushing me to do my best. My parents are in a close second also.

Who is your biggest rival?

I can't say that I have one, but my teammates Dave Szczerepa and Ryan Rei always seem to do better than me. I'd like to put them down a peg...

What are you working to improve your game?

I'm trying to run longer and harder in practice to get better endurance, and work out a little more to get stronger.

What is your greatest memory on the court?

Running in the Brown Invitational during my freshman year. It was packed with teams from all over the country, and it was a totally new experience for me. It was exhilarating to be a part of something like that when I was still pretty fresh in my "career."

How are you able to balance your schoolwork with practices, games, and training?

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As I said earlier, it's definitely difficult, but if you manage your time well it gets easier. Worst comes to worst, you just have to go to practice when you can and do your best. Whether that means going earlier or later, or doing more work to make up for missing the next day.

Where do you see yourself going from here, do you plan to pursue this sport in college?

If I can, I feel like I will. My track & field experience has been rewarding so far, so I feel like there isn't any reason why I wouldn't take it to the next level if I could.



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