video: NEW: Riley Breaks New TV spot and Blitz on Langevin

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


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The fight for the 2nd Congressional seat is now on. GOP challenger Mike Riley has launched a tough TV and radio spot that calls Congressman Jim Langevin's record into question.

The ads, named, “The 20-Million Dollar Congressman,” focus on Congressman Langevin’s "dismal record." The spots charge that, "when it comes to Rhode Island’s desperate need for economic development. Congressman Langevin has received almost two million dollars in salary during his tenure in Congress. He has raised more than six million dollars for his political campaigns including millions of dollars from political action committee special interests," charges the Riley campaign.

Riley Campaign says what is, "...most egregious is the more than $11 million of taxpayers money that Congressman Langevin has used to run his offices while not sponsoring and passing one piece of legislation to help Rhode Island’s struggling economy."


According to the campaign, the media buy supporting this initial campaign exceeds $100,000.

Riley, a Narragansett businessman, came out of the primary with a significant win over a crowded primary field.

“Our media campaign will be the beginning of a thorough discussion of Mr. Langevin’s voting record” says Riley.” “It is necessary for the people of Rhode Island to see exactly how much money Jim Langevin has received and to ask the question has the investment paid off?” Riley goes on to say, “I find it outrageous that Mr. Langevin has continually voted against the interests of Rhode Island’s middle class ranging from tax policy to energy independence


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