NEW: Loughlin Campaign Takes Swipe At Doherty

Friday, September 30, 2011


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Although the primary is a year away, the battle between Republican Congressional candidates John Loughlin and Brendan Doherty is heating up.

In a response to comments made by Doherty this week, Loughlin campaign spokesman Michael Napolitano blasted Doherty for claiming he had broad support among Republicans in the first 1st Congressional District.

"I find it interesting that Brendan Doherty made claims in an interview yesterday that he has extensive grassroots support in the Republican party and, in the same interview, he admitted that he hasn’t even met House Minority Leader Brian Newberry, one of the highest Republican elected officials in the state, he said.“Even if you discount his not knowing Newberry, how can Doherty make a claim of broad grass roots support when only one of the 16 Republican City/ Town chairs in the district supports Doherty?"


Earlier in the week, House Minortiy Leader Brian Newberry called on Doherty to remove himself from the race. But Doherty said he has no intention of dropping out.

“I find it incredible that in one breath this candidate can make a claim of broad support in the Republican Party, and in another breath complain about the city and town chairs supporting John Loughlin.” Napolitano said. “Doherty’s press comments are simply clever sound bytes that attempt to discount Loughlin’s support.”


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