2020 Election Profile: Michelle McGaw, RI House District 71

Saturday, September 05, 2020


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Meet Michelle McGaw who is running for election in House District 71 (Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton).

Read what she has to say about why she is running for office.

This is part of an ongoing series by GoLocal featuring each of the candidates for House and Senate.


1.  What do you think is the biggest political issue this campaign season in Rhode Island? 

I think the biggest immediate concern for RIers is the economic challenges associated with the COVID-19.  There is great concern for our local businesses, but also for the people of RI who have been out of work, losing not only their income, but their access to healthcare at a time when they need it most.  People are worried about paying their rent and putting food on the table.  Families are struggling and we need to ensure that the resources are there to keep people and businesses afloat until we develop ways for all of us to return to our routines safely.   We need more federal funding to be made available, with a focus on the needs of people and small businesses. 

2.  What do we need to do to improve Rhode Island's economy?

I believe that investing in green energy initiatives is a great way to stimulate our economy. We have already taken steps in the right direction with our wind energy initiatives. With our strong engineering programs at our local universities, we have the talent and the creative resources to become a leader in solar and wind energy. By taking advantage of the creation of new technologies, we can provide job training to our unemployed and underemployed so that we can create highly skilled, good paying jobs for Rhode Islanders.  We can become a model for how to build upon the technologies of tomorrow for a brighter economic future. 

3.  What is the greatest challenge facing Rhode Island as a state?

While the most immediate challenge is related to the economic impact of COVID, the greatest long-term challenge is related to changes in our climate.  These changes will affect not just our coastal communities and our farms, but will impact all RIers.  There will be great economic costs as the effects of climate change erode our infrastructure.  Changes to our shoreline will have a tremendous impact on the tourism industry in RI. The fishing industry is already noticing changes in our food supply due to water temperature and increased acidity of our waters. There will also be consequences related to the health and safety of RIers.  The crisis we face today is a reminder of how important it is that we be pro-active in our policies to mitigate the risks of the challenges to come. 

4.  Why are you running for office? What makes you uniquely qualified?  

For too long Rhode Island has tolerated top-down politics. We won’t fix our state if we keep electing insiders, and that’s why I decided to run for State Representative. Over the past few years, I spent more and more time working with people across District 71 and heard a recurring message that the people of our district felt that our state government was failing them. There is distrust of a system that puts so much power in the hands of a select few. When the Reform Caucus talked of changing the system and of changing the rules for a more transparent and small “d” democratic process that works for all of us that message resounded with me. We need leaders who will listen and put the people first. I am someone who will put the priorities of the people of my district first and am not afraid to speak up for change. I have no ties to House leadership, therefore I am not beholden to them. 

5.  Who is your inspiration?  

My inspiration comes from my Dad.  My Dad was a small business owner in Connecticut who helped me to understand that healthy communities are built on caring relationships.   His community involvement and his connection to people were the building blocks for my curiosity about the world and his compassion challenged me to see things from different vantage points.  He instilled in me an appreciation for listening to my neighbors, understanding their perspective and lending a helping hand.  These are values that I strive for in my personal relationships, but also values that are extremely important for our elected officials. These are the values that I want to bring forth as a Representative for District 71.  


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