Two Nurses Assaulted in Separate Incidents at Miriam Hospital Overnight

Monday, December 18, 2023


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Miram Hospital. PHOTO: File

Two nurses were assaulted in separate incidents at Miriam Hospital in Providence overnight. 

It marks the latest episode of recent violence against healthcare workers in the state.

As GoLocal reported, a healthcare worker was assaulted at Rhode Island Hospital on November 29


In September, a nurse was in critical condition after being assaulted by a patient at Rhode Island Hospital. 



Nurses Assaulted Overnight

First Incident 

Shortly after midnight on Monday, police responded to the first report of an assault on a nurse at Miriam Hospital on the East Side of Providence. 

The victim — a male in his 40s — said he was treating a female patient with an IV, at which time she became verbally abusive toward him. 

According to the victim, the patient became upset and shoved him in the chest, and attempted to punch him. 

Security was called to the scene and the suspect, identified as Zharia Crawford, age 27, was handcuffed and transported to Central Station. 

Second Incident

Less than an hour later, police responded to another report of an assault on a nurse at Miriam. 

The victim — a female in her 30s — said that a patient, a female in her 40s, assaulted her. 

According to the victim, the patient tried to get off a hospital stretcher and leave. 

The victim said she tried to stop the patient from leaving, at which time the patient started to berate her with racial slurs, and then slapped her across the face. 

Police say the suspect, later identified as Nicole Rocha, age 42, is in custody at the hospital. 


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