Providence School Board Members Call for Investigation Into $72M Contract and Infante-Green

Thursday, October 05, 2023


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Education Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green PHOTO: LPR

Two members of the Providence School Board are calling on the Attorney General's office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to investigate the recent award of a $72 million contract by the Providence Public School Department (PPSD).

The contract was awarded under the direct supervision of the Rhode Island Department of Education Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green.

On Monday, GoLocal published a major report regarding the award of a $72 million bid to ABM for the Providence School's maintenance contract. ABM received a extra round to bid.


The two Providence School Board members -- Ty’Relle Stephens and Night Jean Muhingabo -- wrote in a letter to Christopher Wray, FBI Director and Peter Neronha, Attorney General, “During their investigation, GoLocalProv uncovered disturbing allegations that demand your immediate attention. Under the direct supervision of Rhode Island Education Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green, it has come to light that a convicted felon was appointed to oversee the bidding process for a contract exceeding $70 million. Furthermore, a clandestine payment of $3.2 million was made to an outgoing vendor, with indications of potential manipulation in favor of a company known for significant fines and settlements due to various violations. On Wednesday, October 4th, 2023, Providence Mayor Brett Smiley expressed his concerns to GoLocalProv, stating that Providence Schools' $72M Contract could be “potentially illegal."

On Wednesday, Smiley raised concerns about the bidding process.

“It is critical that the Providence Public School District address the allegation that the winning bidder had an opportunity to submit an additional proposal after the best and final offers were concluded,” said Smiley.

“I have repeatedly expressed my concerns about the lack of due diligence throughout this procurement process and this most recent allegation, if true, would be unfair and potentially illegal. It is my hope that the district will answer any unanswered questions and bring transparency to this process in order to restore the community’s trust,” Smiley added.


Pattern by Infante-Green

The Board members add, “These revelations appear to be part of a recurring pattern of questionable actions. On August 5th, 2022, evidence emerged suggesting Graduation Inflation within the Providence School Department's Over Aged Under Credited Program during Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green's tenure. Despite concrete evidence, an internal investigation conducted by the Rhode Island Department of Education concluded that no such inflation had occurred. Subsequently, during a State Oversight Meeting, Commissioner Infante-Green announced the discontinuation of the program.”

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Providence School Board members Ty’Relle Stephens and Night Jean Muhingabo PHOTO: PPSD

Further, Stephens and Muhingabo write, "On November 14th, 2022, the School Board received an anonymous letter from eight district-wide employees alleging a toxic work environment created by the Providence Superintendent's Senior Advisor. Former Board Member Jesus Nunez, along with current Board Members Night Jean Muhingabo and Ty’Relle Stephens, called for an independent investigation into these allegations. It is worth noting that the Superintendent’s Senior Advisor faced similar accusations in two former districts. However, the Rhode Island Department of Education chose to conduct an internal investigation. Despite our attempts to seek updates on this matter, we have received no response, and the Senior Advisor's duties have resumed without any investigation taking place.”

“In light of these deeply concerning issues and in order to uphold transparency and accountability within the education system, Board Members Ty’Relle Stephens and Night Jean Muhingabo respectfully request that the Attorney General of Rhode Island and the Federal Bureau of Investigation initiate an independent investigation into the alleged fraudulent activities involving State Education Commissioner Infante-Green and the Rhode Island Department of Education,” wrote the Board members.

Governor Dan McKee said he is reviewing the situation.

GoLocal has sued McKee and Infante-Green for the release of emails between Providence Public School Department Administrators and RIDE staffers relating to the $72 million contract and the bidding process. A hearing on the lawsuit is scheduled for Friday.

The ACLU and GoLocal are filing a second lawsuit against the Providence Public School Department to release unredacted copies of the bids for the $72 million contract. 


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