NEW: Weekend Storm Hitting RI Saturday Afternoon—Mixed Snow/Rain

Friday, February 22, 2013


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It's going to be a mess on Saturday, whether you're in mixed snow and rain nearer the coast, or under snow in the interior.

In spite of being around 24 hours before the onset of precipitation from this developing storm, there is still no good resolution to the problem of how the snow vs. rain pattern across the area will pan out.

About all I can be reasonably sure of is that there will be some of both in most areas, probably more rain than snow near the coast and likely more snow than rain from Northern Rhode Island into Central Massachusetts. But I realize that doesn’t give you very much information about your hometown. So, here’s my best shot at it as of now.

When to expect the storm + accumulations

The precipitation should begin anytime from Saturday afternoon into Saturday evening and dwindle and end sometime later Sunday. If you live north of the Rhode Island border to near the Mass Pike and northward into the Worcester area and Central Massachusetts there should be very little, if any, rain mixing in and the heavy, wet snow could total 5” to as much as 10”; that’s down from my 6”-12” estimate yesterday.

Over Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts the rain should play a greater part with a snow to rain back to snow scenario. The rainy period should be much longer near and along the coast than over higher elevations of Northern Rhode Island. Thus accumulations of the slushy snow may vary a lot from 3”-6” in the far north to little or nothing right on the beaches.

This storm continues to be a puzzler and I would not be surprised to see some major forecast adjustments necessary once it gets underway. So check back for the latest.

About all I can be reasonably sure of is that there will be some of both in most areas, probably more rain than snow near the coast and likely more snow than rain from Northern Rhode Island into Central Massachusetts. But I realize that doesn’t give you very much information about your hometown. So, here’s my best shot at it as of now.


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