NEW: Roberts Elected Treasurer of National Lieutenant Governors Association

Monday, July 23, 2012


Lt. Governor Elizabeth H. Roberts has been elected to the leadership committee of the National Lieutenant Governors Association (NLGA). Lt. Governor Roberts was elected unanimously on Friday to serve as Treasurer of the professional association for the office holders, first in line of succession to governor, in all 50 states and the U.S. territories.

“As a NLGA leader, Lt. Governor Roberts will work with her bi-partisan peers to find and foster multi-state and regional solutions to problems," said NLGA Executive Director Julia Hurst. “Lt. Governor Roberts led passage of a policy resolution in support of the national goals relating to Alzheimer’s disease on Friday. Specifically, her effort garnered awareness that lack of participation in clinical trials is the largest current factor holding back progress on disease treatment. Her work gained collaborative agreement among lieutenant governors to support in-state and regional efforts across public and private sectors and medical and university institutions to increase participation rates in such trials,” said Hurst.

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“The NLGA has a record of working in a bi-partisan manner to address issues impacting all states and the nation,” said NLGA Chair Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray. “Lieutenant Governor Roberts will contribute to the work of the Executive Committee as we increase collaboration and build partnerships to support resources for states across the country.”


The committee meets about three times a year and is responsible to chart the course of issues and work to be pursued by the nation’s second-highest state and territorial officeholders. The position is a one-year term with Lt. Governor Roberts serving until July of 2013.

"I'm excited to take on this important role for the Association," said Lt. Governor Roberts. "I look forward to exploring more ways to build on our strengths as a collective of leaders who find solutions to challenges in state government, notwithstanding our diverse politics on the issues facing our home states," she said.

Elizabeth Roberts is serving her second term in office as Rhode Island's lieutenant governor. She is chair of the RI Healthcare Reform Commission, the body in state government tasked with making recommendations to Governor Chafee on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in Rhode Island.


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