NEW: Kilmartin and Verizon Wireless Team-up to Benefit Victims of Domestic Violence

Monday, January 07, 2013


As a result of a month long cell phone recycling drive held by Attorney General Peter F. Kilmartin and the Office of Attorney General, Verizon Wireless made a $2,000 HopeLine contribution to the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence (RICADV) to provide financial assistance to local non-profit organizations focused on supporting victims of domestic violence.

Officials from Verizon and the RICADV recently visited with employees from the Office of Attorney General to thank the staff for their collection efforts, and their dedication to supporting victims of domestic violence.

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“The response from law enforcement agencies and the general public was tremendous. The simple act of donating an old cell phone can help a victim of domestic violence get emergency help and access to resources to end the cycle of violence,” said Attorney General Peter Kilmartin. “With the rapid advances in cell phone technology, we often forget the freedom it has given us. For someone in an abusive, controlling and violent relationship, a cell phone is much greater than a convenience, it is a lifeline.”


“The incredible amount of support we received from the Attorney General’s Office and Verizon during this successful cell phone drive sends a strong message to our community - together we can end domestic violence. And, through their participation, donors can feel positive they have made a vital difference by giving a lifeline to someone in desperate need,” said Deborah DeBare, executive director of the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence. As leaders in public office and in business, Attorney General Kilmartin and Verizon officials are providing an example to others in how everyone can help victims of domestic violence; it is a perfect demonstration of the community as a whole working together to say NO MORE to this abuse."

"We're very appreciative of the Office of the Attorney General's support of HopeLine again this year," said Christine Berberich, President of Verizon Wireless' New England Region. "The Office of the Attorney General and the Rhode Island Coalition are both leaders on the frontlines of this important issue every day. We are proud to stand with law enforcement and non-profits that are supporting survivors of domestic violence and their families."

Cell phones are an effective tool in the fight against domestic violence. Instead of being discarded, an old phone can be refurbished and put to good use against domestic abuse through a cell phone recycling program where they are reprogrammed and used as 911 Emergency phones for individuals in the community at risk of domestic violence. This communication may provide a critical link between law enforcement and a victim of domestic violence who is in a life threatening emergency.

HopeLine®, a Verizon Wireless phone recycling program supports domestic violence coalitions throughout the country, including the RICADV. Wireless phones given to HopeLine are refurbished and sold for reuse, generating proceeds for the program. Refurbished phones – complete with 3,000 minutes of wireless service – are provided to local domestic violence organizations or local government and law enforcement agencies for use with their domestic violence clients. If donated phones are unsalvageable, they are recycled in an environmentally sound way under a zero landfill policy.


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