Fit for Life: There’s Hope for Us All

Saturday, August 20, 2022


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I was on a “State of the Franchise” call the other day that was run by the CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp and he started the call by telling a story he heard from an Admiral in the US Coast Guard.

The Coast Guard are the ones that get the call to rescue people involved in shipwrecks.

They use helicopters and boats to lift the people stranded in the water to safety.


Due to their speed and efficiency, helicopters usually arrive at the site first and they navigate the damage and start rescuing people before the cutters arrive.

Sometimes they reach a site where there are more people in the water than there is room in the helicopter and they need to make quick decisions in order to save as many people as possible.

So as the Admiral is telling this story, someone asks, “With so many people in the water, and limited space in the chopper, who do you rescue first?”


Here’s where it gets good … are you ready for this?

He replied, “We rescue the people that swim towards the helicopter first!”

Now I don’t know if this story is 100% accurate because I was never in the Coast Guard, however, the basis of the story applies to many things we experience in everyday life, and there is a BIG lesson to be learned here.


The lesson is that we can become more successful on many levels in our life if we would just “swim towards the helicopter more,” and you can see a pattern of success with the people that do exactly that.


Let’s start with your health and fitness.

Lots of people struggle in this department. This I know for a fact. I also know that the people that struggle less are the ones that seek out a coach or “swim towards the helicopter” and make the initiative to save themselves.


We want to help as many people as possible get fit and healthy at Providence Fit Body Boot Camp, yet we can’t want it more than they do. We can’t force someone to help themselves. They need to at least start swimming toward us.


Fitness is simple but not easy. Therefore, unless you know what to do or what & when to eat, you will struggle to get results. Every one of our members that show up consistently, seek help with their nutrition, schedule monthly body scans & stay engaged with our coaches get amazing results.


Those that don’t take longer to reach their goal.

Throughout the whole COVID ordeal, many small businesses diminished.

Many gyms in the Fit Body franchise also closed their doors, however, the ones that stayed engaged with corporate and followed their protocol are still around.

Personally, I swam hard towards the helicopter. 


I was on every coaching call, implemented every marketing strategy and managed to survive because help was available and I not only took it but made an effort to find it. 

I also applied for government loans and utilized my resources to stay afloat. I am not proud of the fact that I needed assistance, however, my gym probably wouldn’t have survived or thrived without it.


Currently, I am seeking help from a financial strategist so I can create the best plan of action for when it’s time for me to hang up the gloves and retire.

I know that if I don’t do this now, and seek the professional help I need, I won’t be putting myself in the best position for later on. So it’s time for me to start swimming again to another vessel, for safety sake.


Depressed and anxious people that see a therapist are more likely to function at a higher level than those that don’t.

They feel better after their sessions and get the opportunity to feel good about themselves for a few moments. I've been there, so I know it helps.

Some people need therapy badly, yet they choose to live in denial or stigmatize getting help.

When you have the “I can fix it on my own” or refuse to swim toward the helicopter attitude, you will no doubt struggle more than the ones that do seek help.


Self-awareness is where it all starts.

I used to think I could do everything on my own, and would never seek advice or help, and now I have a coach for everything that is important for me to accomplish.

I swim a lot because it time collapses the amount of time it would take using the trial and error approach. I still make plenty of mistakes, yet I try to avoid the ones someone has made already and taught me not to do.


We all need to realize that there are problems on every level in life, and we can’t fix them all by ourselves.

We also need to realize that nobody is going to seek us out to help us; therefore, we need to swim towards help and seek it out, as opposed to keep on floating in the water and waiting for someone to save us.


So if you are living life like a shipwreck victim and floating around or starting to sink, it’s time to start swimming.

Don’t wait for the knight on the white horse to come and save you. I'm sure that doesn’t exist so that you will be waiting forever. Realize that you need help, seek it out, and let it happen.

This goes for everything that is holding you back in life.


Are you unhealthy? Swim to Providence Fit Body Boot Camp and let us help you.

Are you struggling financially? Swim to someone that can help improve your income.

Feeling depressed? Swim to a therapist and talk to someone with experience fixing your issues.

We live in a world where resources are available for us all; we just need to go after it, so start swimming!!


Committed to your success,

Coach Matt


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