SUCCEED WITH STYLE: You are What You E-mail

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


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Do you check for typos before sending an e-mail? Or are you an “e-mail on the fly” kind of person? How you e-mail does matter and could have a negative impact on you in the long run. I recently conducted a workshop with folks from the Speech Improvement Company in Brookline, MA, where we addressed this very issue. We talked about how the way you speak, write, dress and act can communicate confidence, consistency and professionalism. We understand that many professionals are taxed with hefty workloads and effective e-mail communication may seem unnecessary and irrelevant. But, like someone dressing inappropriately for an interview, it does make a difference. Following are some e-mail tips from The Speech Improvement Company that can help keep your total professional image on track.

1. Think before you write: a well thought-out e-mail speaks volumes and makes it easier for the recipient to know how to respond.

2. Proofread emails for mistakes before you press send. Sometimes spell check changes a word to the wrong word. Triple check just in case.


3. Don’t include proprietary or inappropriate information in email. It is a permanent record and can be subpoenaed.

4. Understand the culture of your company. If emoticons are used frequently and expected, use them. If not, skip them altogether.

5. Use a font and color that communicates professionalism rather than your artistic talent. Bright pink in script font is not professional.

6. Think about who your audience is and tailor the content to them. Keep in mind the tone of your e-mail. Using words like clearly and obviously may not be the best choices. Skip the text talk.

7. E-mail is for communicating praise not for telling someone their work is sub par.

8. Don’t write or respond to an e-mail when you’re angry or confrontational. You will regret it. Instead, write it and put it in your draft box and remember not to fill in the recipient’s name. Delete it 24 hours later.

9. Don’t cc or Reply All on every e-mail and ask the sender if you can forward an e-mail. Don’t just assume they want the e-mail to be forwarded. There may be a chain of communication that is not meant for everyone to see.

10. Be clear, concise and polite in all your communication. Including someone’s name and signing off with a pleasant closing is courteous. Everyone loves to hear and see his or her name.


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Margaret Batting is the Corporate Style expert for Margaret is the owner and president of Elevé Image Consulting and the only certified image consultant and personal brand strategist in Rhode Island. She travels the country as the national corporate image consultant for CareerBuilder and serves as the style advisor liaison for Dress for Success Rhode Island, which will host a fashion show fundraiser at the Biltmore in April. For more information, visit


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