ALPHA MALE: How to Ask a Woman Out the First Time

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


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Don't resort to text, email, or spraypainted walls. Ask her yourself.

Some men have an easier time asking for a raise than asking for a date. Hearing her say “yes” is like scoring the big goal in overtime or sinking the thirty foot putt.

With many men back on the market after years of marriage, this can be a tremendously out-of-practice skill. Many men struggle; they get cold feet or don’t even bother to shoot the puck.  Our goal today is to provide you with some proven tips on ways to land a “yes” when asking for the first date.

First and foremost, don’t be afraid.

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If she says “no” this time around, it doesn’t mean “no” forever and it doesn’t mean the next one will give the same answer.  Too many men never even get to the ask.  Take a shot of whiskey, step up, and be assertive in your delivery.


Show confidence.

Look her straight in the eyes, smile, and be cool.  Ask her casually to grab a drink or lunch – don’t use the word “date” and don’t ask “would you like to go out with me.”  Tell her that you are heading to your favorite restaurant, and ask her to come along.  Stay smooth.

Make it a group thing.

If she seems reluctant to join, mention that a bunch of friends are coming too and her friends should come along.  It’s important that she feels comfortable.  If she continues to display hesitation, back off and try again down the road.  The general rule is if a girl says “no” three times, you should probably move on to the next one.

Never ask her out through text messages or emails.

If you want the best chance for success, ask in person.  Also, never hand a girl a business card and expect her to ask you out.  Be the man and ask yourself.  If you follow the above tips, you’ll have dates with the women of your dreams!

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Marc Streisand is president and owner of Marc Allen Fine Clothiers, and takes the custom clothing business very personally. Having enjoyed a successful career in the clothing industry since 1985, Marc brings his clients extensive specialized experience in menswear. Prior to taking over the Marc Allen store in March 2005, he cultivated his knowledge of luxury male attire in New York and his home state of New Jersey, where he began his vocation at Wallach's Specialty Stores. Nothing gives him greater pleasure, he says, than seeing raw cloth transformed into a custom outfit that can directly impact his customer's lifestyle.

Don't miss Marc Streisand's tips for men on GoLocalTV, fresh every day at 4pm and on demand 24/7, here.


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