ALPHA MALE: Spring Style Dos + Don’ts

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


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Runway, yes. Work, no: shorts may feel great in warm weather, but they're not for the workplace.

Each year, between September and April, men seem to forget the warm weather dress code.  Along with the arrival of Spring comes the first warm and even hot days of the year.  This change in weather leads to questions; clothing made to handle hot days isn’t always appropriate for the office.  Today, our goal is to discuss some Spring fashion do’s and don’t’s.  Specifically, the appropriateness of short-sleeve shirts, socks, and shorts across a variety of settings, and how to wear each with style.

The short-sleeve button-down

There is nothing less cool than a droopy short sleeve button down shirt.  Just because there are buttons down the front of the shirt, it does not make it appropriate for work.  In fact, you’ll probably match the weird

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IT guy.  Instead, grab a well-designed sport shirt.  We aren’t talking about the funky multicolored shirt you wear to go out to the club or the LL Bean that you wear to coach your daughter’s softball team, but instead, something with cool colors, sophisticated patterns and fine threads.

Socks or no socks?

Moving onto socks, it is never okay to wear shoes without socks to the office (unless you’re working for Facebook, than you can wear flip flops).  Loafers without socks are reserved for casual outings; lunch on the weekend, a trip to the Cape, or to the bar with your buddies.  In the office setting, we suggest thin socks for summer that allow your feet to breathe.  Additionally, if you are wearing shoes without socks, make sure to monitor the smell of your kicks.  When worn without socks, shoes can start to smell pretty foul in a matter of days.


Shorts: the real story

Finally, shorts should only be worn in casual settings and never to the office.  Even on the hottest days, keep your shorts at home.  As to the weekends, unless you are in the military, refrain from cargo shorts.  Additionally, gym shorts should be reserved for the gym and daisy dukes should be reserved for women.  We recommend non-pleated shorts that reach a few inches above the knee.  Again, colors and patterns can be used to keep things interesting and showcase personality.  To add style, wear a linen short paired with a cool loafer for your Newport outing!

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Marc Streisand is president and owner of Marc Allen Fine Clothiers, and takes the custom clothing business very personally. Having enjoyed a successful career in the clothing industry since 1985, Marc brings his clients extensive specialized experience in menswear. Prior to taking over the Marc Allen store in March 2005, he cultivated his knowledge of luxury male attire in New York and his home state of New Jersey, where he began his vocation at Wallach's Specialty Stores. Nothing gives him greater pleasure, he says, than seeing raw cloth transformed into a custom outfit that can directly impact his customer's lifestyle.

Don't miss Marc Streisand's tips for men on GoLocalTV, fresh every day at 4pm and on demand 24/7, here.


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